All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1886 Boston (Blues)

New England League

This rendering is based on written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.

Rendering accuracy:Year: documented    Team: documented

Visual documentation on this uniform:

Written documentation on this uniform:
1886: “In 1886, James Mullen (a backer of the Boston UA team) established a new ball club in the [New England] league to play in Boston [and] to draft off the popularity of the city’s National League entry. He hired [Tim] Murname to manage the new club, called the Boston Blues for their dark blue uniforms.” From Charlie Bevis, SABR BioProject on Tim Murname, retrieved July 11, 2018.

March 1886: “The Boston Blues, Boston’s New England League nine, are getting into fine condition for the coming season. […] The nine will have two uniforms to a man. They will be of a very dark flannel, with white stockings, belt and hat, which will have a blue band. During the month of April, weather permitting, there will be exhibition games on the Union grounds every day, and on days when no regular club can be secured the nine will play against a picked team composed of the club’s extra players, who will wear the regular blue uniform with red stockings.” From The Boston Globe, March 28, 1886. Research from Chuck McGill and from Brian Sheehy.

April 1886: “Tim Murname’s new Boston team, appropriately called the ‘Blues’ from their bright blue uniforms, made their first public appearance Thursday last [April 22, 1886].” From The Sporting Life, April 28, 1886. Research from Chuck McGill.

April 22, 1886, Boston (NEL) v. picked nine, at Boston, Union grounds: “When the [Boston] Blues appeared on the field in their neat blue uniforms and white stockings they received a generous round of applause.” From the Boston Globe, April 23, 1886.

May 1886: “The Boston Blues must have taken on a deep ultramarine shade by this time. Boston and beaten both begin with ‘b’, in both leagues.” From the Lowell (MA) Daily Courier, May 19, 1886.

June 1886: “The Boston Blues are having new uniforms made in order to change their luck, and they have selected July 5 as the day to bud forth in their gaudy attire.” From the New York National Police Gazette, June 17, 1886.

July 1886: “The Blues are to have a new uniform next week. It will consist of a white shirt, with ‘Boston’ across the breast in blue letters, white breeches, with blue seams, blue stockings and belt and white cap.” From the Boston Globe, July 9, 1886.

July 17, 1886, Boston (NEL) v. Brockton (NEL), at Boston: “Resplendent in white and blue uniforms, with cleanly-shaven faces, the Boston Blues presented a neat appearance when they stepped into the grounds. […] The new rig appeared to put new vigor into the team, and proved, as Manager Burnham said Friday, ‘veritable batting clothes.’” From the Boston Globe, June 18, 1886.

Team genealogy: Coming soon

Rendering posted: July 15, 2018
Diggers on this uniform: Brian Sheehy, Chuck McGill,

Other uniforms for this team:

1887 Boston NEL

All years - Boston

See full database