1879 National, Washington DC (Nationals, Washingtons)
This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style only. Color information is unknown and the uniform is rendered in values of gray. Some details may also be undocumented or difficult to determine and an educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Dated 1879. Photo date confirmed by appearance of players Ellick and Meyerle, both of whom only played for National in 1879. Players wore a white uniform in this photo with the team name arched across a rectangular bib. The trim on the bib, as well as the belt and stockings were dark in color. The players wore white shoes. Six of the ten players photographed wore uniforms in which the letter “N” in the team name was mistakenly sewn backwards onto the bib. The cap was not shown in this photo.
Top row, from left: P Baker (NA 79, 80, UA 84, El 85, NL 86), J Lynch (79, 80), J Ellick (79) and B McClellan (79, 80). Middle row: A Booth? (79), S Trott (NA 79, 80, ECAS 81, EL 85), L Meyerle (79), O Bielaski (72, 73, 79, 80) and G Derby (79, 80). Front, on ground: H Hollinghead (72, 73, 75, 79). Player IDs from back of photo. Booth ID not confirmed as name on back of photo was illegible. Research from Carson Lorey. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Image scan from the Washington D.C. Historical Society. Cowan’s Auctions attributed this photo to Mathew Brady based on the numbering system inscribed on a negative in their possession. Cowan’s info from Tom Shieber.
Dated 1879. Detail view of photo A. Detail view shows the team name arched across a rectangular bib. Both the bib and the shirt collar had dark-colored trimwork.
Dated 1879. Six detail views of photo A. Each is highlighted with a red arrow to show where the letter “N” was mistakenly reversed when sewn onto the shirt. Of the ten uniforms shown in photo A, six uniforms had a reversed letter.
Written documentation on this uniform:
April 1879: “A. G. Spalding & Bros. are making base ball suits for the Nationals of Washington, the Buffalo and the Cleveland nines.” From the Chicago Daily Telegraph, April 13, 1879.
April 1879, National, Washington, v. Baltimore, at Baltimore, Newington Park: “The Nationals—who looked well in their new uniform—had another easy victory.” From the New York Clipper, April 26, 1879. This newspaper entry most likely reporting on the April 21st game listed below.
April 21, 1879, National, Washington, v. Baltimore, at Baltimore: “The Nationals invaded Baltimore last Monday, and appeared in their new uniforms for the first time. The uniforms are loose-fitting—hand-me-down style—but one or two doses of laundry will make them neat.” From the Cincinnati Enquirer, April 26, 1879. Research from Don Stokes. The Cincinnati paper also reported that the game featured “terribly wild pitching on the Baltimore side, as high as fourteen wild balls being pitched in succession.”
Team genealogy: Coming soon
Rendering posted: March 10, 2018
Diggers on this uniform: Carson Lorey, Don Stokes, Tom Shieber,