1890 Buffalo (Buffalos, Bisons)
Left: This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Right: This rendering is based on partial written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on these uniforms:
Photo A
Dated May 4, 1890. This photo was published in a newspaper on this date. Year of photo can be confirmed by the appearance of thirteen players in photo. These men only played in Buffalo for the 1890 season, the team’s one-year entry into the Players’ League. The photo caption included the player’s names and the title “Buffalo Baseball Club in the Players’ League (‘Brotherhood’), 1890.” The team wore a buttoned shirt in this photo, with large lettering across the chest, a dark belt and dark stockings. Newspaper reports from 1890 described the home uniform as white in color, with a black cap, belt and stockings. A black cap can be partially seen next to the baseball in the center area of the foreground in this photo. This same cap was subsequently rendered as white in color in the newspaper drawing, see photo B. Note that the studio flooring in this team photo matched that from the 1887 Buffalo team photo, suggesting the same photographer made both images.
Top row, from left: J Rainey (90), J Irwin (90), J Carney (Buf PL 90, Cle PL 90), G Krock (90), C Mack (90) and S Wise (90). Middle: G Haddock (90), D White (NL 81-85, PL 90), J Rowe (NL 79-85, PL 90), E Beecher (90) and J Halligan (90). Front: S Clark (90), D Hoy (90), A Ferson (90) and G Keefe (90). Image and player IDs from the Buffalo Express, May 4, 1890. A drawing made from this photo was published in The Sporting Life, May 31, 1890, see below. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Image scan from Ken Samoil, who made this observation: “given how rarely newspapers included photos prior to about 1900, this is a surprisingly good image.” The word “Wild” was printed in the lower left corner of the photograph. It is unknown if this was the photographer or printer of the image. The 1890 Buffalo city directory listed an Anthony Wild, lithographer, living in Buffalo.
Dated May 4, 1890. Detail view of photo A. Detail view shows the city name in large lettering extending to the armpits, and a narrow shirt placket.
Photo B
Dated May 31, 1890. This drawing, based on photo A, was published in The Sporting Life on this date.
Dated May 31, 1890. Detail view of photo B. Detail view shows second letter “F” in city name centered on a narrow button placket.
Written documentation on these uniforms:
January 1890: “All the secretaries of the clubs in the Players’ National League [i.e., Players’ League] have sent their club uniform colors to Secretary Brunell. All the clubs, except Philadelphia, have selected white home and colored traveling uniforms, so that the audience can readily distinguish the teams in the field. The teams will be dressed as follows: […] Buffalo- Home: white suits, brown trimmings and stockings. Traveling: Gray suits, brown trimming and stockings. From the Chicago Daily Tribune, January 29, 1890. Research from Don Stokes. A similar report was published in the Buffalo Courier, January 30, 1890, and The Sporting Life, February 5, 1890.
March 1890: “Two Players’ League clubs have changed their uniforms. Buffalo will wear white with black trimmings and stockings home, and gray and black on the road. Philadelphia will wear white with light blue trimmings and stockings at home and navy blue with light blue trimmings and stockings while traveling.” From the Syracuse Standard, March 25, 1890, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, March 30, 1890, and The Sporting Life, April 2, 1890. The Sporting Life research from Chuck McGill.
April 1890: “The burgees [i.e., triangular flags] of the Players’ League clubs have been sent to the various teams and will be flown from the flagstaffs of the home teams this morning [April 19]. The burgees are colored as follows: Boston — White with “Boston” and red. Brooklyn — White with “Brooklyn” in blue. Pittsburg[h] — Red and white bars with “Pittsburg” in red and white. Cleveland — Bright blue flag with white border and “Cleveland” in white. Buffalo — Red, white and blue Flag, “Buffalo” in blue. New York — White flag with “New York” in black. Philadelphia — Red flag, dark blue border, white field with “Philadelphia” in light blue. Chicago — Black flag with a border of white stars and “Chicago” in white. From the Brooklyn Union, April 19, 1890.
April 19, 1890, Buffalo v. Boston at Buffalo, opening day: “The Buffalos’ new suits of white with black caps, stockings, and trimmings are very pretty.” From the Buffalo Express, April 20, 1890. Game date from retrosheet.org.
May 1890: “A scoreboard is needed on the Buffalo [Players’] League grounds.” From the Buffalo Commercial, May 3, 1890. Research from Don Stokes.
May 1890: “The [Buffalo] Express today presents a group-picture of the men who have undertaken to carry Buffalo’s banner to the front (or the rear) in the Players’ League race for the pennant.” From the Buffalo Express, May 4, 1890. The Express also published the photo on this day and included write-ups of each player shown.
September 1890: “The Pittsburg[h] young men faced the Buffalo Black Stockings eighteen times the past season [of 1890], and they won thirteen of the eighteen.” From The Sporting Life, September 20, 1890.
Team genealogy: Buffalo 1890-1890
Buffalo was formed to join the Players’ League (PL) at the league’s inception in 1890. The PL was a major league that played for one season before folding. The team disbanded after the 1890 season. Info from wikipedia.
Rendering posted: March 25, 2017
Diggers on this uniform: Chuck McGill, Don Stokes, Ken Samoil,