1888 Buffalo (Buffalos, Bisons)
These renderings are based on written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the renderings.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on these uniforms:
Written documentation on these uniforms:
October 1887: “Syracuse will join Buffalo in the effort to have the rule prohibiting International [Association] clubs from signing colored players rescinded. Syracuse wants the services of Higgins and Grant, of Buffalo.” From the Kinston (ON) Whig-Standard, October 7, 1887.
February 1888: “The Buffalos will have two uniforms this season—one of blue-gray pants, shirts and caps, red belts and stockings, with the word ‘Buffalo’ on the breast, and the other white pants, shirts and caps, red belts and stockings, with a representation of a bold and fearless bison careening over the bosom of each bold and fearless ball tosser.” From The Sporting Life, February, 29, 1888. Research from Chuck McGill. Based on a later report from April 1888, it is likely the “blue-gray” uniform mentioned here was not implemented. This same report was published in the Buffalo Sunday Morning News, March 11, 1888, citing the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. As no reports have surfaced to date from Buffalo newspapers, it is likely the reference to the “bison careening over the bosom” may have been an editorial comment from out-of-town newspapers and not a factual description.
April 1888: “These seem to be the nicknames for the International association teams this year: Hamilton, ‘The Hams;’ Toronto, ‘Cushman’s Blowers;’ Buffalo, ‘Chapman’s Chippies;’ Rochester, ‘Leonard’s Astronomers;’ Syracuse, ‘Hackett’s Hard Hustling Stars;’ Albany, ‘York’s Job Lots;’ Troy, ‘Ted Sullivan’s Innocents;’ London, ‘Power’s Tecumseh Chiefs.’” From the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, April 3, 1888.
April 1888: “The Buffalos will have new uniforms for Decoration Day [i.e., Memorial Day, May 30].” From the Buffalo Commercial, April 23, 1888.
April 1888: “In addition to their white uniforms, the Buffalos will have suits of brown plaid material for shirts, pantaloons, and caps with blue trimmings. The shirts will be adorned with a large blue ‘B.’ The stockings for this uniform will be light blue.” From the Buffalo Express, April 26, 1888.
April 1888: “The Buffalos are to have a new uniform on Decoration Day [i.e., Memorial Day, May 30], which, it is said, will surpass anything in America.” From the Buffalo Sunday Morning News, April 29, 1888.
April 1888: “The clubs of the International Association will be dressed as follows as far as the clubs have been heard from: […] Buffalo – Red stockings, blue-gray shirts and pantaloons with red trimmings.” From the Albany (NY) Argus, April 30, 1888, and the Manitoba (Winnipeg) Weekly Free Press, May 3, 1888. Argus research from Ed Morton.
May 1888: “The Buffalos wear blue stockings, Hamilton brown, Syracuse maroon, Toronto and Albany red, Troy black.” From the Albany (NY) Express, May 2, 1888.
May 1888: “Manager Chapman will have a new uniform for the Buffalos by the end of the month which he declares will be of lavender with blue trimmings and blue stockings.” From the Buffalo Commercial, May 8, 1888. It is undetermined if this was another new uniform, or a reference to the new brown uniform also described during this period.
May 1888: “The Buffalos have new uniforms, consisting of brown pants, shirts and caps, with blue trimmings, and blue stockings.” From The Sporting Life, May 9, 1888. Research from Chuck McGill.
May 10, 1888, Buffalo v. London, at Buffalo, Olympic Park, home opener: “The uniforms of the Tecumsehs and Buffalos are almost exactly alike — white shirts, pantaloons and caps, and red stockings.” From the Buffalo Morning Express, May 11, 1888. A shorter version of this report was published in the Buffalo Commercial, May 11, 1888.
May 1888: “The Bisons have new uniforms of brown pants, shirts and caps, with blue trimmings and blue stockings.” From the Buffalo Sunday Truth, May 13, 1888.
May 1888: “The Buffalos are to have new lavender uniforms.” From The Sporting Life, May 16, 1888. Research from Chuck McGill. This may have been a pick-up of the Buffalo Commercial report of May 8. It is undetermined if this was another new uniform, or a reference to the new brown uniform also described during this period.
May 1888: “An exchange says: ‘The board of directors of the Buffalo ball club have decided that President Cushman and Manager Chapman must wear uniforms. The style has not been decided upon.’” From the Buffalo Sunday Truth, May 20, 1888.
May 22, 1888, Buffalo v. Albany, at Buffalo, Olympic Park: “The Buffalos appeared in a new uniform yesterday. It was white, with red stockings. […] A new uniform will be put on by the Buffalos [for] Decoration Day. It will be drab.” From the Buffalo News, May 23, 1888. It is undetermined if the white uniform with red stockings mentioned here was the same as which the team started the season with.
May 1888: “The Bisons have new uniforms.” From the Buffalo Commercial, May 23, 1888.
May 1888: “The Buffalos are going to try a new uniform in hope of change of luck.” From the New York National Police Gazette, May 26, 1888.
May 30, 1888, Buffalo v. Toronto, at Buffalo, Olympic Park: “The Bisons looked nobby yesterday [May 30] in their new uniforms.” From the Buffalo Commercial, May 31, 1888.
May 30, 1888, Buffalo v. Toronto, at Buffalo, Olympic Park: “[Buffalo infielder Frank] Grant was presented with a bouquet yesterday [May 30].” From the Buffalo News, May 31, 1888.
August 1888: “The Buffalos are wearing a combination red, white and blue uniform — blue trousers and white shirts, with red stockings.” From the Buffalo Courier, August 12, 1888.
August 1888: “The uniform recently adopted by the home team is the subject of pleasant comment throughout the sporting world.” From the Buffalo Times, August 28, 1888.
August 1888: “The Buffalos Club is certainly patriotic, even if not lucky. The team are now wearing a red, white and blue uniform—-white shirts, blue trousers and red stockings.” From The Sporting Life, August 29, 1888. Research from Chuck McGill.
Team genealogy: Coming soon
Rendering posted: May 28, 2016
Diggers on this uniform: Chuck McGill, Ed Morton,