1897 Houston (Houstons, Buffaloes)
This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Dated April 11, 1897. This drawing was published in the Houston Daily Post on this day. The newspaper wrote that “a picture of the team is presented this morning and Artist [Ole J.] May has done good work in drawing after the photograph taken by Blackburn & Bailey specifically for the Post.” The newspaper also included biographies of each player on the team. An 1897 date for the drawing and photo can also be confirmed by the appearance of players McGann, Knox, Myers, Kimerer, Turner, Hardy, Becker and Divenney, all of whom were only on the Houston team in 1897. McGann and Hardy did not play in any regulation games for the team. The original photo was made during the week of April 4, 1897. A newspaper reported that Kimerer “reached here [Houston] yesterday [April 2] and that McGann “accepted terms” with the team on April 3. Players were depicted wearing a dark uniform in this photo. A newspaper described the uniform of the 1897 Houston team as blue in color, with white lettering, black stockings and black “golf caps.” At least five of the players were depicted wearing pants with quilted padding in a square-grid pattern. Two players wore their collars unbuttoned at the neck. Two players wore turtle-neck sweaters under their shirts and above their collars. Players wore a combination of sleeve lengths, including short sleeves, 3/4 length sleeves and long sleeves.
Top row, from left: A McGann (dnp, Gal TL 97), H Knox (97), W Myers (97), C Kimerer (97) and T Turner (Hou 97, Gal TL 97). Middle: C Hardy (dnp, Gal TL 97, Den/She/Wac TL, HSp ArSL 97), (S Taub secy), G Reed mgr (96-98) and H Cote (Hou 96, 97, Nor AtL 97). From: B Crowell (97, 99), C Becker (Hou 97, Gal 97 TL) and P Devinney (97). Player IDs from the Houston Daily Post, April 11, 1897. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Image scan from University of North Texas, texashistory.unt.edu, retrieved April 11, 2020. Kimerer arrival and McGann accepting terms from The Sporting Life, April 10, 1897. Cartoonist Ole J. May, born June 1873, worked for numerous newspapers during a 30-year span. A Houston city directory from 1897-1898 confirmed May worked as an artist for the Houston Daily Post. Afterward, May held positions at the Washington Post, the Pittsburgh Post and Dispatch, the Cleveland Leader, the Detroit Journal and the Newark Star Eagle. He died in August 1917 from the result of an automobile accident. Info on May in Houston from Bob Barrier. Info on May’s career from strippersguide.blogspot.com, referencing Cartoons Magazine, June 1913, and from the Editor and Publisher, New York, August 18, 1917, retrieved April 15, 2020. Original photo of the Houston team by Charles S. Blackburn, Blackburn & Bailey, Houston.
Dated April 11, 1897. Detail view of photo A. Detail view showed that the cap had a rounded crown with the material of the cap pulled forward. The rendering of the player standing at left showed that the shirt’s button placket possibly ended above the belt and that the shirt had no breast pocket. The rendering of the player standing at right showed that on some uniforms a white shirt button overlapped the top of the “S” in Houston.
Dated April 11, 1897. Another detail view of photo A. Detail view showed the letter “H” on the front of the cap.
Written documentation on this uniform:
April 1897: “Houston will come on the field at Galveston April 17 in their new blue uniforms, trimmed in white, with black stockings and golf caps.” From The Sporting Life, April 10, 1897.
April 1897: “The Buffaloes are an interchangeable team and are not in any danger of being crippled by the sickness or injury of any one player.” From the Houston Daily Post, April 11, 1897. This report utilized the team nickname.
April 1897: “Houston, Tex., April 29. – […] The Houston team left last evening for San Antonio. Quite a number of their friends were at the depot to bid them bon voyage. […] The boys made a right natty appearance with their blue serge sits, stiff brimmed straw hats and russet shoes.” From The Sporting Life, May 8, 1897. This report described the street clothes the team wore when traveling.
Team genealogy: Coming soon.
Rendering posted: April 12, 2020
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),