All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1868 Union, Morrisania NY (Unions)


This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style only. Color information is unknown and the uniform is rendered in values of gray. Minor details may also be undocumented or difficult to determine and an educated guess is made to complete the rendering.

Rendering accuracy:CirclesOnly_ThreeYear: documented    Team: documented

Visual documentation on this uniform:

Photo A

Dated 1868. This illustration was a composite of the 1867 and 1868 teams as players Ketchum, Beals and Akin, shown above, were not part of 1868 team. Additionally, depictions of eight of the players shown in this illustration, Smith, Beals, Birdsall, Pabor, Akin, Austin, Martin and Goldie, were copied from the 1867 Harper’s Weekly illustration of this team. Players were shown in the above illustration wearing a uniform with a white shirt and pants in a mid-tone color, possibly made of a checked material. The caps were checked with white or light-colored visor. The shirt had an off-centered opening and a large old-English “U” in the center. Many of the players wore baggy pants that were tied tight at the ankle.

From left: G Smith (65-69), D Ketchum (65-67), T Beals (67), E Shelly (68, 70), D Birdsall (63-68, 70), C Pabor (65-70), A Akin (66, 67), H Austin (65-70), A Martin (66-68) and J Goldie (66-69). Player IDs from item. Years with team from Marshall D. Wright, The National Association Of Base Ball Players, 1857-1870 (2000), and from Paul Batesel, Players And Teams Of The National Association, 1871-1875 (2012). Image from Harper’s Weekly, date undiscovered.

Photo B

Dated June 20, 1868. Illustration of G Wright (66, 68), full view at left, detail view at right. This illustration was published in the Sporting Times on this date. The illustration was printed in inverse (corrected above) and included the caption: “George Wright, Cricketer and Base Ball Player, New York.” Harry Wright, George’s brother, was also portrayed in the illustration wearing a cricket uniform (not shown). The illustration above was most likely made from a photograph. Wright was depicted wearing a white or light-colored shirt and checked pants. The cap was also checked and had a white visor. The belt had horizontal stripes. Many of these uniform details, as well as the player’s pose, were similar to that shown in photo A, although Wright was not included in the illustration of the team. Image and player ID from the Sporting Times, June 20, 1868. Years with team from Marshall D. Wright, The National Association Of Base Ball Players, 1857-1870 (2000). Image scan from John Thorn.

Photo C

Attributed 1867. More likely dated 1868 as player shown, G Wright (66, 68), was not on the 1867 team. The tilted cap and collar of this vignette matched that of the full illustration of Wright published in the Sporting Times on June 20, 1868, see photo B. The creation date of this vignette is unknown.

Written documentation on this uniform:
1868: “The Unions opened a new park in Tremont [in the Bronx] in 1868. With the new park came new uniforms. On June 15, 1868, the Unions sported new uniforms at a game against the Mohawks in Brooklyn. Described in the New York Sunday Mercury on June 21, 1868, as “shirt, pants, and cap of one fabric, light blue in color, with red binding, the letter M in old English characters on the shirt breast worked in red material.” From Gregory Christiano, who added that he used this description in his book, Baseball in the Bronx, Before the Yankees (2013, p. 23). When asked about the letter “M” on the shirt breast as described in the Mercury, Christiano noted that “perhaps because [Union] opened a brand new state-of-the art-ballpark that year, it was time for a change [and] that was the reason for switching to the letter ‘M’ for Morrisania. But, the fact was this ballpark was built in Tremont, a neighboring town, not Morrisania.” Christiano further noted that when the Unions returned home in 1868 after a long western trip, winning 25 and losing only 1, “they displayed all their silver trophy balls in their trophy case, and made a popcorn version of the only game their lost and then displayed that too.”

Team genealogy: Union, Morrisania NY, 1855-1870s
Union was formed in Morrisania, NY, in 1855. Morrisania was the original name for the South Bronx where the prominent Morris family was seated. Union belonged to the National Association of Base Ball Players (NABBP), baseball’s first organization operating 1857-1870, but did not join the National Association (NA), baseball’s first league, when it was formed in 1871. Subsequently, the Union club stopped playing games competitively during this time. Information from Aaron W Miller, Peter Morris and others, Base Ball Founders (2013).


Rendering posted: July 5, 2014
Diggers on this uniform: Gregory Christiano, John Thorn,