1898 Syracuse (Stars)
This rendering is based on written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Written documentation on this uniform:
February 1898: “At a recent meeting of the Eastern League […] Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Bros., […] secured an order to outfit the teams of the entire league with new uniforms.” From the Gazette Montreal, February 22, 1898.
March 1898; “The uniform which the Stars will wear this year will be made of a light blue gray cloth and will comprise the cap, shirt and pants. On the cap will be sewn a small edition of ‘Old Glory’ in the place of the star [from the previous season] and [the] word ‘Syracuse’ will be placed upon the breast. It is on the stockings, however, that some mastermind exerted his genius. The body of the stocking is dark blue, but just above the shoe top will be placed stripes of red, white and blue, each an inch wide. The result should be something after the effects of a kaleidoscope when a runner is making a fast sprint for the plate, and if the opposing team is not afflicted with a sever attack of color blindness, it will be a wonder.” From the Syracuse Daily Journal, March 11, 1898. This same report was printed in the Oswego (NY) Daily Times, March 15, 1898.
March 1898: “The Stars will be uniformed in a patriotic splendor of the national colors this year. Their stockings will bear red, white and blue stripes, and stars will be scattered about their shirts in an ‘elegant’ manner. Each cap will be fronted by a miniature flag.” From the Oswego (NY) Daily Times, March 12, 1898.
March 1898: “[Rochester] Manager C. H. Morton said last night: […] ‘I notice in the Syracuse Herald a reference to the red, white and blue suits of the Stars. Rochester led Syracuse in this respect, you know. Our suits were ordered the first of February and as a fact they are ready and waiting in New York now. We have no old suits and will be obliged to put our men in red, white and blue uniforms from the outset.’” From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, March 28, 1898.
April 28, 1898, Syracuse v. Buffalo, at Syracuse, home opener: “Speaking of the war, the most exciting event of the afternoon was the announcement of Umpire McDermott that the management had made arrangements to receive war bulletins during the games. Unfortunately none were read to enliven the spirits or arouse the interest of the spectators. The pennant, by the way, was hoisted before the game was played and as it flung to the breeze, as the war correspondents say, a band of sixteen pieces and a melodic bass drum played the ‘Star Spangled Banner.’[…] After playing the National melody that nobody but an expert can sing, [the conductor] played Sousa’s ‘Stars and Stripes,’ suggested no doubt by the red and white stripes in the stockings worn by the Stars.” From the Buffalo Courier, April 29, 1898.
Team genealogy: Syracuse 1894-1901
Syracuse joined the Eastern League (EL) in 1894, their second entry into the league. The EL operated between 1891 and 1911 and became the International League in 1912. Syracuse played in the EL between 1894 and 1901 and dropped out after the 1901 season. Information from Bill O’Neal, The International League (1992).
Rendering posted: January 17, 2021
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),