1886 Philadelphia (Philadelphias, Phillies)
Left: This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: unconfirmed Team: documented
Right: This rendering is based on written documentation only for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known. However, the written documentation closely matches a related year where visual documentation is known and that visual documentation is the basis for this rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: unconfirmed Team: documented
Visual documentation on these uniforms:
Photo A
Dated 1886, possibly July 22, 1886. Year of photo was hand-written on image (not shown in cropped version above). Approximate year of photo may be further suggested by the appearance of player Cusick in combination with players Wood, McGuire and Irwin. Cusick played with Philadelphia from 1884 to 1887, his last game occurring in June 1887. Wood, McGuire and Irwin joined the Philadelphia team for the 1886 season. A photo date of July 22, 1886, can be determined in combination with a similar photo of the New York NL team taken in the same setting. Identical details in the backgrounds of both photos suggest the New York and Philadelphia teams were captured on the same day. Both teams were also photographed wearing caps on their heads and then with caps removed, further suggesting the images were made on the same day and by the same photographer. The New York photo included player Devlin, who only played for New York briefly in 1886. Devlin joined the New York team about June 11, 1886, and was released in the days before August 12. Knowing Devlin’s time with the team, and along with other factors, we can determine a possible date of July 22, 1886 for the photo. Philadelphia played three series of games with New York during the time period that Devlin was with the team: June 15 & 16 at New York, July 9, 10 & 12 at Philadelphia, and July 20, 22 & 23 at New York. The June 15 & 16 dates can be seemingly ruled out as a newspaper reported three weeks earlier, at a game played on May 27, 1886, that New York players “Ward and Gerhardt have cut off their moustaches[sp], and were almost unrecognizable.” The fact that both Ward and Gerhardt wore mustaches in the New York photo may eliminate the June dates and suggest the July dates. Boxscores from the series played in Philadelphia on July 9, 10 & 12 included two players, J Farrell for Philadelphia and B Finley for New York, that were not included in their respective team photo. Farrell was released by Philadelphia and signed by Washington in the days before July 18, 1886. Finley was a backup catcher for New York who signed in late June and played only in the July 12 game in Philadelphia. The inclusion of Devlin and the absence of Farrell and Finley would suggest the images were not taken in Philadelphia, and instead point to them being made during the New York series, July 20, 22 & 23. The July 22 date can be suggested by New York pitcher Keefe, who stood in the back row of the New York photo wearing civilian pants and with his suspenders lowered. As Keefe pitched for New York on both July 20 & 23, his dress points to July 22 as the date for the photo, an off-day where Keefe was not required to fully dress or play. It is unknown if the brick wall behind the players can be identified as belonging to the Polo Grounds. This would further confirm the date and location.
Players wore a white or light gray uniform in this photo. The cap was white with two horizontal bands and the stockings were dark in color. A newspaper report stated the accent color for this uniform was maroon. Two players, sitting far left and third from left, wore a white cap with a dark-colored visor.
Top row, from left: G Wood (NL 86-89, PL 90, AA 91), J Mulvey (83-89, 92, PL 90, AA 91), C Bastian (85-88, 91), A Cusick (84-87) and S Farrar (NL 83-89, PL 90). Front, sitting: D McGuire (86-88), E Daily (84-97), J Fogarty (NL 84-89, PL 90), (H Wright mgr 84-93), E Andrews (84-89), A Irwin (86-89), C Ferguson (84-87), D Casey (86-89) and J Clements (UA 84, NL 84-97). Player IDs from photo (IDs not shown in cropped version above). Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Cusick 1887 info from wikipedia.com. Original photo possibly by William DiFariss, Chicago.
Dated 1886, possibly July 22, 1886. Detail of photo A. Note that the player seated at left was wearing a cap with a dark-colored bill. Player seated second from left was wearing a cap with wider spacing between the bands. Player in top row was wearing an all-white cap.
Photo B
Dated 1886, possibly July 22, 1886. This photo was taken at the same time as photo A, only players have removed their caps for this version.
Top row, from left: G Wood (NL 86-89, PL 90, AA 91), J Mulvey (83-89, 92, PL 90, AA 91), C Bastian (85-88, 91), A Cusick (84-87) and S Farrar (NL 83-89, PL 90). Front, sitting: D McGuire (86-88), E Daily (84-97), J Fogarty (NL 84-89, PL 90), (H Wright mgr 84-93), E Andrews (84-89), A Irwin (86-89), C Ferguson (84-87), D Casey (86-89) and J Clements (UA 84, NL 84-97). Player IDs from photo A. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Original photo possibly by William DiFariss, Chicago.
Written documentation on these uniforms:
March 1886: “The Phillies will wear gray uniforms on the Southern trip.” From The Sporting Life, March 3, 1886.
April 29, 1886, Philadelphia v. Washington, at Washington, Capital Park: “The Washingtons won the game easily by outplaying the ‘Phillies’ at all points.” From the Philadelphia Times, April 30, 1886. Example of the Phillies nickname in use by a Philadelphia newspaper.
May 3, 1886, Philadelphia v. New York, at Philadelphia, Recreation Park, home opener; “Umpire Curry also received the attention of the right field contingent in the form of some humorous remarks concerning the fit of his trousers.” From the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 4, 1886.
July 8, 1886, Philadelphia v. Star, Syracuse, at Syracuse, exhibition game: “[The Philadelphia] uniforms are padded about the hips and chest and they have on canvas bag trousers so they slide without much danger of injury.” From the Syracuse Standard, July 9, 1886. Note, there is no visual documentation of this padded uniform available.
1886, referenced in February 1887: “The new costumes of the members of the [1887] Philadelphia [National] League Club are being made by A. J. Reach & Co. […] The suits will differ but little from those worn by the team last season [1886]. One will be made of fine white English flannel and the other will be of gray flannel. Both will have the customary cardinal trimmings and the boys are expected to look their best all summer.” From the Philadelphia Times, February 20, 1887. Research from Ed Morton.
Team genealogy:
Philadelphia 1882-
Philadelphia was formed to play in the League Alliance (LA) in 1882. The team joined the National League (NL) in 1883. The NL began operation in 1876 and Philadelphia has played in the league every year since 1883. Information from wikipedia.com and Robert D. Warrington.
1886 Philadelphia summary
Uniform: white, red stockings
First worn:
Photographed: team photo from year
Material: canvas pants
Other items: dark jacket with white buttons
Home opener report: none, May 3 v. New York
Uniform: light gray, red stockings, red and white cap
First worn:
Described: March
Supposition: use of cap, tone of gray, shirt style
Rendering posted: March 27, 2020
Diggers on this uniform: Ed Morton,