All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1884 Milwaukee (Milwaukees)

Northwestern League

This rendering is based on written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.

Rendering accuracy:Year: documented    Team: documented

Visual documentation on this uniform:

Written documentation on this uniform:
January 1884: “The colors of the [Northwestern League] clubs will be: Bay City, red and black; Ft. Wayne, olive and green; Grand Rapids, gray; Milwaukee, cream; Minneapolis, black; Muskegon, red and white,; Peoria, red; Quincy, brown; Saginaw, old gold; Stillwater, blue; St. Paul, white; Terre Haute, dark green.” From The Sporting Life, January 23, 1884. Research from Ed Morton.

March 1884: “The uniforms of the Milwaukee Club will be a combination of cream and maroon-colored material; cream colored pants and maroon-colored shirts, with cream-colored ‘M’ on the bosom of the shirts. The caps have been left out for the present, but they will probably be a combination of the colors named. This will outdo the Buffalo barber-poles in picturesque appearance.” From the Philadelphia Sunday Item, March 23, 1884. Research from Ed Morton.

March 1884, Milwaukee v. Quincy IL: “The Milwaukee club will wear maroon colored shirts, caps and stockings and cream-colored breeches. The shirt and cap will be embroidered with cream color and an ‘M’ of the same color on the shirt.” From the Rock Island (IL) Argus, March 25, 1884. Research from Justin Mckinney.

April 1884: “From the Milwaukee club comes the announcement that the uniforms have at last been definitely settled upon, and fifty have been ordered, two for each man. There will be two styles, the first being of electric blue, trimmed with cream-colored flannel. The other will be steel gray with similar trimmings, cream-colored stockings and mixed caps, one of white flannel and the other of chocolate-colored material. Red stockings, belts and caps will be worn with the former, and cream-colored stockings, caps and belts with the latter.” From the Minneapolis Tribune, April 21, 1884.

June 1884: “There is one base ball club that will never be hung for the beauty of its uniforms, and that club is the Milwaukees.” From the Minneapolis Tribune, June 2, 1884.

Team genealogy: Coming soon

Rendering posted: December 24, 2017
Diggers on this uniform: Ed Morton, Justin Mckinney,

Other uniforms for this team:

All years - Milwaukee

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