1883 Eclipse, Louisville (Louisvilles)
This rendering is based on written documentation for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Written documentation on this uniform:
April 1883: “The Eclipse this season will wear white uniforms with blue caps, belts and stockings.” From The Sporting Life, April 15, 1883.
April 1883: “The new suits of the Eclipse arrived yesterday [April 28, 1883] and the club will appear in full uniform this afternoon [in an exhibition game v. Springfield].” From the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 29, 1883.
April 29, 1883, Eclipse, Louisville v. Springfield IL (NWL), at Louisville, exhibition game: “The Eclipse appeared in their new uniforms, the white suits and caps and the blue stockings and belts presenting a very pretty appearance on the field.” From the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 30, 1883. This report stated that the caps were white in color, while other reports described the caps as blue.
April 1883: “The Louisville club’s uniform is similar to that worn by the Athletics.” From the Philadelphia Sunday Item, April 29, 1883. Research from Ed Morton.
May 1883: “A bulletin board has been put up at the [Eclipse] base-ball headquarters on Jefferson street [in Louisville], and the results of the games will be placed on it as soon as they are finished.” From the Louisville Courier-Journal, May 2, 1883.
May 5, 1883, Eclipse, Louisville v. Cincinnati, at Cincinnati, opening game: “The Kentuckians were attired in white shirts and breeches with sky blue stockings, supplemented with caps of the same color.” From the Cincinnati Enquirer, May 6, 1883. Research from Ed Morton.
August 1883: “The Eclipse appear as a rule in dirtier uniforms than any of the other clubs. – Louisville Post.” From the Philadelphia Sunday Item, August 5, 1883. Research from Ed Morton.
Team genealogy: Louisville 1870s-1899
Louisville began as Eclipse, a semi-pro team in Louisville formed in the late 1870s. As Eclipse, they joined the American Association (AA) at its formation in 1882. The AA was a major league operating between 1882 and 1891. Eclipse was known as Louisville by 1884 and the team played in the AA through the 1891 season. The team joined the National League (NL) in 1892 when the AA and NL merged, and was disbanded after the 1899 season when the NL contracted from twelve to eight teams. Information from wikipedia.com and Ken Samoil.
1883 Eclipse summary
Uniform: white, light blue stockings and caps
First worn: April 29, Louisville
Described: April, May, August
Supposition: cap style, shirt style, lace color
Other items:
Home opener report: no, May 11 v. St. Louis
Rendering posted: September 17, 2022
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),