1881 Detroit (Detroits)
This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: unconfirmed Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Image dated 1881. This image was published in May 1915 as the cover of a book by John “Dasher” Troy (81, 82). Full view, left, detail view at right. Cover showed an illustration of Troy wearing a Detroit uniform. Presumably this drawing was made from a photograph. Player wore a gray or mid-toned uniform in this image. The shirt had a wide button placket (or a narrow bib) that featured an old-English letter D. A bead of dark trim ran along the edges of the placket, along the shirt collar, around the shirt cuffs and down the pant seams. The belt and stockings were dark in color. A cap was shown on the ground. The cap was made of the same material as the uniform and had a dark cord above the brim. Newspaper reports from 1881 stated the Detroit uniform was gray with red trimmings. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Image scan from John Thorn, ourgame.com, retrieved June 6, 2019. Image also from Nigel Ayres.
Written documentation on this uniform:
February 1881: “The [Detroit] nine will be handsomely uniformed, including magenta-colored stockings.” From the New York Clipper, February 12, 1881.
March 1881: “The Detroits inaugurate the season at Princeton, N.J., April 1 and 2; then with the Metropolitans on the polo grounds in New York for one week, commencing April 4. The Detroits will use the uniforms of the Haymakers of New Haven until the [National] league season opens.” From the Boston Globe, March 20, 1881.
March 1881: “[Manager] Bancroft will dress his Detroit aggregation in a decidedly unique uniform, viz. light gray, with orange stockings.” From the Buffalo Express, March 30, 1881. Note that a newspaper report from the following month described the stocking color as red.
April 1881: “The uniform of the Detroits will be light gray cloth, trimmed with cardinal red, gray box-topped caps, red belts and red stockings.” From the Detroit Free Press, April 21, 1881. Research from Don Stokes.
April 1881: “[National] League Uniforms. — The uniform of the Detroits will be light gray cloth, trimmed with cardinal red, gray box-topped caps, red belts and red stockings; Buffalos, gray, with navy blue stockings; the Worcesters, white with brown stockings and trimmings; the Clevelands, white, with blue stockings and trimmings; Providence, gray, with pale blue stockings. The Chicago’s uniform is in doubt. It may be light gray with white stockings; it may be all white, or it may be navy blue with white stockings. Indeed, there is some talk about having the three, and changing off occasionally; but in any event they will not change their stockings. Boston will wear the same colors as last season.” From the Boston Globe, April 24, 1881. Research from Chuck McGill.
April 1881 “The new uniform of the Detroits arrived yesterday [April 27, 1881] and will be worn at Ann Arbor today.” From the Detroit Free Press, April 28, 1881.
May 2, 1881, Detroit v. Buffalo, at Detroit, opening day: “A queer but not unnatural mistake was made by [Buffalo infielder] Morrisey, who confounded one of the Detroits, whose uniform is similar to that of our team, with [Buffalo outfielder] Foley, and by a play made under this delusion the lead was given to the Detroits.” From the Buffalo Evening News, May 3, 1881. Research from Ed Morton.
May 2, 1881, Detroit v. Buffalo, at Detroit, opening day: “It was found somewhat difficult to distinguish the men, as both clubs wore uniforms of exactly the same pattern.” From the Buffalo Express, May 5, 1881, referencing a description published in the Detroit Post and Tribune. Research from Ed Morton.
Team genealogy:
Detroit 1881-1888
Detroit was formed to join the National League (NL) in 1881. The NL began operation in 1876. Detroit played in the NL between 1881 and 1888. The team disbanded after the 1888 season. Information from wikipedia.
1881 Detroit summary
Uniform: light gray, red stockings
First worn: April 28, Ann Arbor
Photographed: year, unspecified
Described: February-May
Other items:
Home opener report: yes, May 2 v. Buffalo
Rendering posted: August 14, 2019
Diggers on this uniform: Chuck McGill, Don Stokes, Ed Morton, John Thorn, Nigel Ayres,