All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1878 Hornell NY (Hornells)

International Association

This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style only. Color information is unknown and the uniform is rendered in values of gray. Minor details may also be undocumented or difficult to determine and an educated guess is made to complete the rendering.

Rendering accuracy:CirclesOnly_TwoAndAHalfYear: unconfirmed    Team: documented

Visual documentation on this uniform:

Photo A
Dated 1878. Players wore a white uniform in this photo. The short-sleeve shirts were tight-fitting without a collar and with trim around the neckline in a yoke design. The center of the shirt displayed a Roman-style letter “H.” The belts and stockings were dark in color. Dark caps were displayed in the foreground. A newspaper from Aril 1878 described the Hornell uniform as being white in color with navy blue trimmings. The shirt was described as “white worsted, tight fitting and very elastic, with navy-blue trimmings.”

Top row, from left: unidentified, unidentified and T Burns. Middle: F Dunlap, J Keenan, M Critchley, G Derby and A Clapp. Front, on ground: H Myers and T Mansell. Player IDs and photo from T. Scott Brandon, SABR Pictorial Committee. Identity of Derby and Mansell in question. Derby could be the player in top row, center. Player in middle row, second from right could be P Baker. Original photo at the National Baseball Hall Of Fame and Museum, per SABR publication The National Pastime (Number 3, Spring 1984).

Written documentation on this uniform:

April 1878: “The Hornell Directors at their last meeting decided on the following uniform: Navy blue caps, belt and stockings, white flannel knee pants, white shoes, white flannel jackets with navy-blue trimmings. The shirts will be white worsted, tight fitting and very elastic, with navy-blue trimmings. On the breast will be a letter H. This will be an improvement on last tear’s uniform.” From the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, April 2, 1878. Research from Ed Morton.

Team genealogy:


Rendering posted: December 3, 2019
Diggers on this uniform: Ed Morton,

Other uniforms for this team:
