1877 Auburn NY (Auburns)
This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:Year: documented Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Dated 1877. Collage of player portraits, full view at left, detail view of player F Dunlap (77) right. These portraits were most likely taken in a studio and later combined with background images of the outfield at the Auburn ballpark. Players wore a white uniform in these photos with a tight-fitting pullover short-sleeved shirt. Detail view showed that the shirt had a yoke design around the neck and trim on the sleeves. The cap was white and the belt and stockings were dark in color.
Top row, from left: T Burns (77), F Dunlap (77) and B Tobin (77). Middle: M Critchley (77), J Macullar (77) and J Keenan (77). Front: S Field (Aub LA 77, Buf LA 77), T Mansell (77) and W Thomas (77). Player IDs from collage. Years with team from baseball-reference.com. Image scan from the Cayuga County Historian’s Office, Auburn, NY. Original images by H. Seymour Squyer, Auburn, NY.
Dated 1877. Two detail views of photo A. Left, T Burns (77), and right, M Critchley (77). Detail views showed that the city name arched across the chest.
Written documentation on this uniform:
May 1877: “The Auburns will appear in full uniform on Monday next [May 28, 1877] in the game with the Syracuse Stars at Seward Avenue Park [in Auburn]. The new suit is a great improvement on the old one, and exceedingly ‘nobby’ in every particular.” From the Syracuse Standard, May 21, 1877.
1877, referenced in 1878: “The bill boards announcing the first game of the Auburns [in 1878], ranging in size from 8 to 15 feet square, are illuminated in three colors—the colors being the same as those of the club uniform. The caps will be of white flannel, trimmed with red; the shirts and pants similar—and so far the uniform corresponds with that of last year [1877]. The stockings, however, will be blue. Foul flags, grand stand flag and pennants will be of similar color.” From the Syracuse Standard, April 14, 1878. Research from Ed Morton.
Team genealogy: Auburn, NY
Auburn, NY, joined the League Alliance (LA) for the 1877 season. The LA was an organization of independent professional teams that had an association with and played exhibition games against the National League. The LA dissolved after the 1877 season. Info from wikipedia.com.
Rendering posted: August 10, 2020
Diggers on this uniform: Ed Morton,