All renderings © Craig Brown. Do not copy, download or use in any form without written permission from Craig Brown.

1873 Lord Baltimore, Baltimore (Baltimores, Canaries)

National Association

These renderings are based on written documentation only for uniform style and color. No visual documentation is known and an artist’s conceptualization is used to create the renderings. 

Rendering accuracy:CirclesOnly_OneAndAHalf

Year: documented    Team: documented

Visual documentation on these uniforms:

Written documentation on these uniforms:
March 1873: “The Baltimore Base-Ball Club. — The uniform for this club for the coming season has been somewhat changed. The silk shirts of last season not affording sufficient protection during inclement weather, a white flannel shirt, with Lord Baltimore escutcheon covering the breast, white flannel breeches and caps, together with striped black and yellow stockings, have been substituted.” From the New York Clipper, March 15, 1873. Research from Brian McKenna. Note, this team was called simply “Baltimore” by some newspapers.

April 1873: “The uniform of the ‘Lords’ is rich, expensive, and was generally admired, being a decided improvement on last year’s garb. It is almost all white, barring the stockings of black and yellow, and trimmings of the same color.” From the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, April 27, 1873. Research from Richard Hershberger, as posted to

June 1873: “The entries for the great race for the championship of the United States and the colors are as follows: Athletics of Philadelphia, the Blue Stockings; Atlantic of Brooklyn, the Magenta; Baltimore of Baltimore, the Yellow Stockings; Boston of Boston, the Red Stockings; Mutual of New York, the Green Stockings; Philadelphia of Philadelphia, the White Stockings; Resolutes of Elizabeth, the Jersey Nine; Washington of Washington, Garney’s Nine; Maryland of Baltimore, Smith’s Nine.” From the New York Evening Telegram, June 30, 1873.

October 10, 1873, Baltimore v. Mutual, New York, at Brooklyn: “The Canaries came on the field in red shirts, looking like old-time ‘fire boys.’ Whether this change of attire had any effect or not…but the result of the contest was…the ‘red shirts’ polishing off the ‘green stockings’ in fine style.” From the New York Clipper, October 25, 1873. Research from Brian McKenna. Game date from

Team genealogy: Lord Baltimore, Baltimore 1872-1874
Lord Baltimore was formed in Baltimore, MD, in 1872 and took its name in honor of the city’s namesake, Cecil Calvert, second Lord Baltimore (1605–1675). The team played in the National Association (NA) between 1872 and 1874. The NA was baseball’s first professional league, operating 1871-1875. The Lord Baltimore team disbanded after the 1874 season.  –Info from Paul Batesel, Players And Teams Of The National Association, 1871-1875 (2012), and from wikipedia.


Rendering posted: January 17, 2015
Diggers on this uniform: Brian McKenna,