1871 Star, Brooklyn
This rendering is based on visual documentation for uniform style and color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine and an educated guess is made to complete the rendering.
Rendering accuracy:
Year: unconfirmed Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Dated 1871/1872. From Henry Chadwick, The Base Ball Player’s Book of Reference (published by Peck & Snyder, 1871/1872). Information from Robert Edward Auctions.
Written documentation on this uniform:
Team genealogy: Star was formed in Brooklyn, NY, about 1856 as a junior club. They joined the National Association of Base Ball Players (NABBP) as an adult club in 1860. The NABBP was baseball’s first organization, operating 1857-1870. Star chose to remain amateur with the advent of open professionalism in 1869 and played their last competitive games in 1872. — Information from Craig B Waff, William J Ryczek, Peter Morris and others, Base Ball Founders (2013).
Rendering posted: May 25, 2014
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),