1870 Brown University
These renderings are based on visual documentation for uniform style and written documentation for color. Minor details may be undocumented or difficult to determine. An educated guess is made to complete the renderings.
Rendering accuracy:
Year: unconfirmed Team: documented
Visual documentation on this uniform:
Photo A
Dated 1868 to 1870. The year “70” displayed on the uniform of one player may be his graduation year and not necessarily the date of the photo. Players are unidentified.
Written documentation on this uniform:
After 1866: “The…color brown, the obvious choice as it would appear today, was not adopted until after 1866, when the Brown Paper reported on the question of choosing a college color, ‘the general opinion seems to be that brown should be adopted…Nothing could be more appropriate for Brown-bred boys’…The color brown, of course, has dominated the athletic uniforms for years.” From Martha Mitchell, Encyclopedia Brunoniana (1993).
Team genealogy: Brown University was founded in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1764.
Rendering posted: May 25, 2014
Diggers on this uniform: None (so far),